Archive for October, 2013

Sabbath #149

This morning I’m late to my desk after arriving late at the field because I slept until seven. For the first time in a very long time. With adequate sleep, one’s relationship to the world shifts. Rest. I teach Yoga Nidra which is divine rest based on ancient yoga teachings. And this morning I’m thinking that most of my life I’ve suffered from weariness, bone tired weariness sometimes from lack of actual sleep but sometimes a tiredness that derives from my own struggles and challenges and the  pain and suffering of others. Most days I can leave my office after six or seven therapy sessions and quickly move on to my own life; my dear husband waiting, phone calls from my daughter on the other coast, FaceTime with grandchildren, a call from my brother Gary during his long commute. There is a house to clean, laundry, food to prepare. And of course exercise: walking the dog, yoga, spin class. And reading and writing. Poems, new and revised. Collected and uncollected. Yesterday I had news that a  poem was selected for publication. Does that mean I’m back in the flow? On the bed in my study there are six stacks of poems. I’m searching for the best ones. When I submit poems , I always include one that is completely random. One that I don’t give much thought to, unusually one least revised. Yesterday, that one was chosen… and it wasn’t the first time. Often I don’t realize the weight of worry that I carry. I don’t factor in the depth of suffering I witness day to day. I review titles of poetry books: Stay, Illusion: Picnic, Rain; Come, Thief; The Great Fires; my own, Hunger for Salt, Double Solitude. So I teach Divine Rest, iRest, Yoga Nidra. I always include poetry in my class as bookends, announcing rest and awakening. Solace and salve. Ointment for healing: poems and meditation. Listening to a calm voice, spoken or written.  And once again, I’m reminded: I give what I most need. 

October 27, 2013 at 2:02 pm 1 comment

Morning Before Work

This morning, a double rainbow at the field and then the dog disappears. He has taken to running wild and not coming when I call, only at the field. He finally comes up from the creek but for about 15 minutes my friend Dick and I search for him. This moment he’s asleep on the bed and I tried to have a conversation with him. I do think he understands. My friend says we should try a shock collar with our dogs. He is concerned because his dog always follows mine. Not sure about that idea, but I agree to research the subject. So instead of going to yoga, instead of writing a poem, I’m writing about the dog and field again. I only have a few minutes before showering and going to my day job which runs into the night on Thursdays. Messages are coming in on my  cell phone as I write, texts, email and the house phone rings once. I ignore all to write these few sentences that no one will read. Practice. Commitment to the page. Devotion to language. Reminding myself that I am a writer. I write. And today I see clients. And tomorrow I lead a class in yoga nidra. I’ll begin with a poem. Mary Oliver. Everyday I begin with a poem. It’s part of my practice.



October 17, 2013 at 1:52 pm Leave a comment

Sabbath #148 and a Few Days Later

Rain and strong wind, more than breezy. Not a good day to paddle on the creek. I’m reading Facing the Wave: A Journey in the Wake of the Tsunami by Gretel Ehrlich published by Pantheon Books, New York. The cover, two ink brush strokes. A study in survival, grief, and recovery. Surprisingly I’m walking again with Basho and under the influence of the Buddhist way. The Wave, a lesson in impermanence. And this morning at the field in a downpour, a few feet above sea level, the creek as border I cannot bring myself to imagine the devastation. The loss of life, lives, and living. Tragedy of epic level. I cherish routine and rhythm now that I am living in one location. Ehrlich relies on testimony, description and relationship to led her reader through the devastation. The most haunting, ghosts attaching themselves to people. I wonder what ghosts are here in Onancock attached to us, this house, the church, the land.

It’s no longer Sunday. Several days have passed since I stopped writing. Now the sun has returned and temperatures dipped. The air still.  The level of discourse, somewhat low. Friends from the other side of the bay want to know if I can meet for lunch or have tea. I’m two hours away, so not likely. No one mentions driving over here. Why should they? I’m still too busy with other activities other than writing, revenue related. I’m beginning my writing day at 2:40 pm with the task of completing this bog entry. An exercise in prose, working at the level of the sentence. No actually, I revised one line of a poem today. A small adjustment. I’m avoiding the larger task of creating another manuscript of poems to send out once again. Already I have 60 pages of verse. Some better than others, of course. But written over a period 14 years or so. I’m thinking about Jack Gilbert who published a volume every 10 years. So much has changed in those years. The poems will read as narrative for a lived life. The closing of one marriage, aloneness, then another marriage. Exile, relocation and dying. Urban to rural. The taking off of rings, new rings, putting old rings back on. Last week I decided to wear the beautiful ring Barbara Mason of Stonemasons made for me fifteen years ago. Then it was a love story. Now it is a story of a life, passed. I have three of her rings, made in two years. Each lovelier than the other. How can I not wear them? They belong with the older poems. Newer poems belong to my left hand.

I read, ” Here at the coast, there’s no difference between, river and field, tree and ocean.” Here in Onancock it rained for five days straight. Pine needles gather on the roadway and mark high tides. Northeast winds push the bay waters inland. There is no comparison, no likeness. I imagine feet of mud, structures dislodged, families dispersed and dead. Ehrlich writes, ” A sultry stillness hardens.” The coast dropped. What happens when we lose our bearings, our footing and ghosts attached themselves to our backs? We desire much: a safe place to sleep, fresh vegetables, a cool breeze, a dry shirt, shoes, gravestones intact. We want to reside close to our children, hear their voices in the distant room or field behind the house. Tomorrow the church will open at eight in the morning and stay open until to eight in the evening for prayer.  What can we be certain of?

October 16, 2013 at 7:51 pm Leave a comment

Sunset on Market Street

Sunset on Market Street

October 10, 2013 at 3:59 pm Leave a comment

October Morning: Note to Myself

Today I’m gifted with time. So I stayed longer at the field with my dog, exercised, attended a yoga class at the Y, helped my husband pick photographs for a juried show and now I’m at my desk. I’m wearing my yoga clothes, my hair is pulled back and I haven’t switched the button so that my phone will make sound.  The floor in my study still has the books  stacked next to my desk. I consulted theses books yesterday when I worked on a new poem. My morning tea, cold. The dog, napping from his morning run. The rain, steady and remnants from the storm yesterday are evident: fallen leaves, pine needles, a branch here and there. I’m resisting housework and laundry to write this note to myself.

Be determined. Be unbridled. Be compassionate and loving to yourself, as well as others. Stand strong with your heart’s desire. Imagine receiving all that you wish for. Do the hard work. Write from that place of knowing. Listen to the sound of  the word, heart-balm. Feel the salve working from the inside out. Continue to read what you love. Watch how good sentences are made. Study line breaks. Donnee, caesura, surrender. Salt marsh, east coast, west coast. The Beloved. Loved ones. Do what is necessary to finish projects:Three Ridges, Hunger for Salt. Look closely from the Third  Eye. Find that laugh, that moment when laughter overtakes all else. Remind yourself about the meaning of ease. Continue the quest of writing one good poem.

October 10, 2013 at 3:46 pm Leave a comment

Sabbath #147

Last Sunday I drove from the Eastern Shore to Dulles Airport and back. It was a long trip. A beautiful day returning my daughter back for her flight to the West Coast. We teased that I might as well fly back with her since I was driving all that way. We laughed. We say we are tired of airport goodbyes. We say our airport days are numbered. We say we are sick of living on opposite coasts. Upon my return, people say I looked so happy when my daughter was visiting. And it is true. A lightness. A lifting. Laughter. I don’t believe I will ever take the company of my children for granted. I live in a small rural town where entire families live in separate houses on one farm, where grandmother’s routinely take their grandchildren out for lunch or keep them over night. The teenagers travel easily back and forth between a number of houses. Today when I attend church there will be many families of three and four generations sitting together. I take my shower and dress early so perhaps I can get in a visit per the computer, as my grandchildren are waking on the West Coast, before their morning show, before breakfast. Most days we miss each other. I’m tempted to sit and wait. Our attempts to arrange a specific time usually fail for one reason or another. I rely on still pictures taken throughout a random Saturday or Sunday: street fairs, parks, hikes, siting on porches, farmer’s markets, bicycle rides, scooter rides, dress up, lego building. I always feel better when I purchase a ticket, trip planned and paid for. I imagine the arrival, the greetings, the quiet and noisy moments. I think about the departure only in relation to the next time I will see everyone again. My days begin early and are full. Today is no different. Time spent at the field with the dog, time spent reading, time spent preparing and having meals at the table, time spent on the creek. I heard that skates entered the creek last week. Today I am hoping to see them. Indian summer. Last Saturday I paddled with my daughter on the creek. Today she is absent. Last Sunday I drove to the airport four hours away. When we stopped for lunch, we made sure we embraced each other before we buckled our seat belts to reentered the beltway. We knew the parting would be short at the terminal, our goodbyes rushed. Even then we lingered to the last possible moment. And I drove away, looking back several times, catching a last glimpse, her backpack and her father’s old Navy duffle, checking in to catch her flight. My on my solitary return home.

October 6, 2013 at 1:35 pm 1 comment

October 2013